We believe there is one God. In the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection and attribute, fulfilling distinct but complementary roles in the great work of redemption.
(Genesis 1:26; Matthew 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Timothy 1:17; 1 John 5:7.)
All Are Welcome Here
We believe every person is created by God with unique gifts and abilities to positively serve their church and community.
For this reason, we encourage you to get involved with a ministry where your gifts and abilities are pushed to new possibilities.
Whether it's our Children's Ministry, Service Ministries or Worship Ministry, we welcome you to get involved at Church of the Open Bible.

Investing in Our Future
Shaping children's awareness of God and nurturing their relationship with Him

Each week, we offer Nursery on Sunday mornings for infants who have started crawling through 4 years old. After computer Sign-In which starts at 10:30am, Nursery aged children can be taken upstairs to our Nursery for the entire duration of our service.
While in Nursery, our children are given ample opportunity to play and interact with their peers. They are also encouraged to learn about the Lord through the reading of Bible stories, sing along worship, Bible-based movies, crafts, activities and games.

Children's Church
Every Sunday morning, during the worship service, children 5 years of age to 11 have the ability to participate in Sunday School. Our leaders strive to provide activities that appeal to various learning styles.
After computer Sign-In which starts at 10:30am, our children meet in the back of the Worship Center with our adult leaders. Children's Church stays in the Worship Center for the duration of the worship set and then quietly dismisses to the upstairs Children Church room for the remainder of the service.
Here, they are able to interact with their peers and interact with the Lord on a personal level designed for their age group.
Volunteers are the life of our ministry, and it’s a blessing to serve with each and every one of them. They are committed to making the ministry a safe learning environment for your kids. Each of our Staff, Children's Church and Nursery Volunteers have been thoroughly vetted and safety protocols have been put into place to protect our children.
But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus."
(2 Timothy 3:14-15)
Worship at
Church of the Open Bible
It is our desire that each person has the opportunity to encounter a real relationship with Jesus. Our congregation consists of numerous types of people who worship together in a welcoming church environment. We have a very compassionate community that strongly believes in reaching out and sharing the message of Jesus Christ.
At Church of the Open Bible, you will find a warm welcome, and a significant opportunity to grow your connection with the Lord. It is important that you know that everyone is welcomed here regardless of of their background.
Most Sundays, you will find a full worship band at our Celebration Service praising our Lord with a modern worship set. However, do not be surprised to hear hymns or even more upbeat music mixed in!

Technical Team
Church of the Open Bible's Technical Department supports our mission by overseeing and coordinating all aspects of audio, and video.
The Technical Department's goal is to ensure that ministries have consistent access cross all facilities.
The mission is to assure all ministries are able to utilize technology effectively in order to add to the experience of those attending. As part of our Tech Team, you can expect to be involved with the sound board, video streaming and various other technical needs throughout the church.

Nursing Home Minsistries

Parker Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center Service
Sunday mornings at 9am, we gather at Parker for a time of Discipleship.
Our Mission is to share our faith in Jesus with people in all stages of life, so build strong relationships and to fellowship with God's people.
Straight Road Recovery
What is the Straight Road Recovery Program?
Straight Road Recovery is a Bible-based recovery program for individuals struggling with any kind of addiction.
By the grace of Jesus, we can overcome our addictions and pursue new purpose in Christ.
Join us every Friday at 7pm.

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved.“